I found a cool way to boost my earnings with infolinks ads on my blog. Previously i was able to make only 0.1$-0.3$/day through Infolinks. But after knowing this trick, I was able to make 2-3$/day and monthly More than 50$
Here is the proof on how much i make per day:
Things You will need:
1) An account on Infolinks
2) A Blog/Website to run Infolinks ads.
3) Some best VPN. I would prefer PrivateTunnel.
4) Finally 10-15 minutes of your time/day
Step1: Creating an account on Infolinks!
You should have already got signed up to Infolinks and should have your website/blog approved for running their ads on your site.
If you don't have a account on Infolinks, Register one by going ( HERE )!
Then wait for your website to get approved by them. (Usually it takes about a day or two) So Bookmark this page for future use!
Step2: Choosing a Best VPN!
After your website/blog has got approved, Then the next thing you will need to do is Choosing a best VPN.
You should have already known about VPN. If not know it now. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a software used to Change your IP address and fools the web, as if you are in some other country offered by the VPN.
I currently use PrivateTunnel. You too can use it. A free account on Private tunnel gives 100MB of free browsing by changing your IP. But you can created multiple accounts with different email address.
1) To create a account on private tunnel (CLICK HERE!)
2) After creating a new account, Download the software by choosing your OS.
3) Then install the software on your PC and open it.
4) Enter your email address, password & Select the country to whose ip address you would like to connect with and click Connect.
Here Comes The Tricks...
After changing your IP address, open your browser and go to your website/blog and click on the infolinks ads displayed on your site! (Click 3-4 ad links by navigating to different pages on your site)
Then Close your browser and Disconnect from Private tunnel.
Now again choose different country and click Connect! Repeat this process with each country. Once 100MB get's over create another account with private tunnel with different email address, and login with it.
Repeat this process 2-3 times/daily and Multiple your earnings I do this only for 1 time a day as iam lazy to create new accounts after 100MB is over. But if i did that i would have got to about 6-8$/day. So, you can do this as many times as possible per day and get Earn more and more if CPM is more
Here is the proof on how much i make per day:
Things You will need:
1) An account on Infolinks
2) A Blog/Website to run Infolinks ads.
3) Some best VPN. I would prefer PrivateTunnel.
4) Finally 10-15 minutes of your time/day
Step1: Creating an account on Infolinks!
You should have already got signed up to Infolinks and should have your website/blog approved for running their ads on your site.
If you don't have a account on Infolinks, Register one by going ( HERE )!
Then wait for your website to get approved by them. (Usually it takes about a day or two) So Bookmark this page for future use!
Step2: Choosing a Best VPN!
After your website/blog has got approved, Then the next thing you will need to do is Choosing a best VPN.
You should have already known about VPN. If not know it now. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a software used to Change your IP address and fools the web, as if you are in some other country offered by the VPN.
I currently use PrivateTunnel. You too can use it. A free account on Private tunnel gives 100MB of free browsing by changing your IP. But you can created multiple accounts with different email address.
1) To create a account on private tunnel (CLICK HERE!)
2) After creating a new account, Download the software by choosing your OS.
3) Then install the software on your PC and open it.
4) Enter your email address, password & Select the country to whose ip address you would like to connect with and click Connect.
Image has been scaled down 19% (814x652). Click this bar to view original image (1000x800). Click image to open in new window.
Here Comes The Tricks...
After changing your IP address, open your browser and go to your website/blog and click on the infolinks ads displayed on your site! (Click 3-4 ad links by navigating to different pages on your site)
Then Close your browser and Disconnect from Private tunnel.
Now again choose different country and click Connect! Repeat this process with each country. Once 100MB get's over create another account with private tunnel with different email address, and login with it.
Repeat this process 2-3 times/daily and Multiple your earnings I do this only for 1 time a day as iam lazy to create new accounts after 100MB is over. But if i did that i would have got to about 6-8$/day. So, you can do this as many times as possible per day and get Earn more and more if CPM is more
Please let me know your Thoughts and Doubts if you have any!!!!