
Chapter of HAcking

Chapter 1.0 - Introduction to Ethical Hacking
Introduction to Ethical Hacking
Can Hacking be Ethical
What does a Malicious Hacker Do?
Classification of Hackers
What do Ethical Hackers Do?
Modes of Ethical Hacking
Demo - BlindSide

Chapter 2.0 - Footprinting

Revisiting Reconnaissance
Demo - Sam Spade & VisualRoute
Demo - Using Google
Network Range, Traceroute & Tools
Demo - Email Tracking
Information Gathering Methodology

Chapter 3.0 - Scanning

War Dialers
TCP Three Way Handshake
Demo - SuperScan
Port Scanning Techniques
Port Scanning Tools
Scanning Tools
Demo - Cheops & nMap

Chapter 4.0 - Enumeration

Net Bios Null Sessions
Demo - Creating a Null User Session
Countermeasure to Null Sessions
Hacking Tools
Demo - Using SolarWinds
How to Identify Accounts
More Hacking Tools
Demo - Cain Enable

Chapter 5.0 - System Hacking

System Hacking
Password Guessing
Hacking Tool - KerbCrack
Demo - LoftCrack
Privilege Escalation
Password Cracking
Demo - Metasploit Project
Man-In-The-Middle Scenario
More Hacking Tools
Countermeasures to Installing a Rootkit
Demo - Using an Alternate Data Stream
Demo - BlindSide

Chapter 6.0 - Trojans and Backdoors
Trojans & Different Types of Malware
Trojans & Backdoors
Demo - EliteWrap
BOSniffer and FireKiller

Chapter 7.0 - Sniffers
Sniffers Overview
Introduction to Sniffers
Demo - Ethereal
Passive & Active Sniffing Programs
Demo - Using SMAC
Sniffing HTTPS and SSH
Demo - Sniffing with Kaine Enable

Chapter 8.0 - Denial of Service
Denial of Service Overview
Denial of Service Attacks
IDS Companies & Firewalls
Demo - Ping of Death DOS

Chapter 9.0 - Social Engineering
Social Engineering Overview
What is Social Engineering?
Adding Extra Security into your Corporation

Chapter 10.0 - Session Hijacking
Session Hijacking Overview
Understanding Session Hijacking
Demo - T-Sight
Protect against Session Hijacking

Chapter 11.0 - Hacking Web Servers
What is a Web Server?
Hacking Tools & Countermeasures
Demo - Simple Internet Client Attack
Unicode Attacks & IIS Log Files
Directory Traversal Tools
Demo - N-Stealth Security Scanner
Hacking Web Servers Review

Chapter 12.0 - Web Application Vulnerabilities
Web Application Vulnerabilities Overview
Understanding Web Application Security
Demo - BlackWidow and BurpSpider
Hidden Fields
Demo - Man-In-The-Middle Attack
XXS Web Application
Demo - Performing Reconnaissance

Chapter 13.0 - Web Based Password Cracking Techniques
Web Based Password Cracking Overview
Password Guessing
Demo - SnadBoy's Revelation

Chapter 14.0 - SQL Injection
What is SQL Injection?
Shutting Down SQL Server
Demo - SQL Injection
SQL Dictionary

Chapter 15.0 - Hacking Wireless Networks
Wireless Networking
Network Hacking Tools
Demo - "The Broken" Wireless Hacking & Cracking

Chapter 16.0 - Evading IDS, Firewalls and Honey Pots
Intrusion Detection Systems Overview
Application Protocol Verification
Demo - Engage Packet Builder
TCP Replay
Bypassing Firewalls
Demo - KFSensor
IDS, Firewall and Honey Pots Review

Chapter 17.0 - Linux Hacking
Linux Hacking Overview
Compiling Programs in Linux
Demo - Nmap Front End
Linux Hacking Tools
Linux Hacking Review

Chapter 18.0 - Buffer Overflows
Buffer Overflows Overview
Buffer Overflows
Demo - RPC Exploit
Preventing Buffer Overflows

Chapter 19.0 - Cryptography
Cryptography Overview
Different Types of Cryptography
RC5 & Rainbow Tables
Demo - How to Create Rainbow Tables
Ethical Hacker Course Closure

Chapter 20.0 - Virus and Worms
Virus and Worms
How is a worm different from virus?
Access Methods & Modes of Infections
Life Cycle of a Virus
Writing a Simple Virus Program
Prevention is Better Than a Cure
Anti-Virus Software

Chapter 21.0 - Physical Security
Physical Security
Understanding Physical Security
What is the need of Physical Security?
Company Surroundings & Premises
Wireless Access Points
Security of Other Equipment
Wiretapping, Remote Access & Spying

Chapter 22.0 - Penetration Testing
Penetration Testing
Penetration Testing Methodology
Open Source vs Proprietary Methodologies
Starting Point and Ending Points of Testing
Selecting the Right Tools
Penetration Testing Tools
Gathering Network Information
Different Types of Threats
More Tools
Demo - Nessus Security Analyzer
Reports and Logs
Ethical Hacker Course Closure

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